are we a match?

commit to change

Your commitment to embark on the personal quest of self-growth and change is a brave step and one that creates a climate for a truly successful coaching relationship.

Change begins with awareness. Awareness can happen instantaneously or gradually. With internal understanding, external change WILL happen; it’s just a matter of time.  Each of us processes things at different speeds. Some people want and can have quick and decisive change. Others require slower change. Often slow change is actually deeper. No two individuals are ever alike and each has their unique timetable.

Frequently it is your very resistance to change that brings to light the real issues most beneficial to your growth.  That resistance, rather than being a hindrance, can be the catalyst to understanding. Resistance can actually be quite fun to work with!

I’ve often heard individuals remark, “I’d love to be coached, but I don’t even know what I want.” We do, however, usually know what we don’t want, and this can be a wonderful place to start.

In coaching, judgments are set aside.

There is no right or wrong, no good or bad.

Instead we explore . . . what serves your highest interest? How can you have more of that and less of what does not serve you?

If you are ready for change and feel that support would enhance your journey, I’d love to connect. Please reach out using the contact information below.


Robbins madanes:

Strategic Intervention Coach Training (100 & 200 levels)
Marriage Education and Divorce Prevention



Nine-month apprenticeship with Margaretta Mcllvaine of Bridge Between the World’s Healing Center in Keswick, VA studying healing modalities and practicing hands-on Transformational Healing Techniques.


Several years studying both individually and in group with a graduate of the University of Santa Monica’s Spiritual Psychology Program to learn Soul-Centered Listening Skills.


Attended East Coast April 2014 USM Loyalty to Your Soul Conference.


USUI SHIKI RYOHO Third Degree Reiki Master
Access Consciousness Bars Certification
Level 1 Healing Touch Certification
Aroma Touch Massage Certification


Donna Eden Conference at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E 
Family Constellation workshop with John Harold Moore