the broccoli incident

The following occurred over a decade ago while journaling.

I was experimenting with guided writing and interesting information was coming through, but I was skeptical.

I wanted some proof. I journaled, “If you want me to trust that this writing is coming from a source other than myself, I need a code word. If I hear the code word today, then I’ll believe.” The word that immediately came to me was broccoli. Now I was even more doubtfulbroccoli? How in the world is that word going to come up? Of all the words spirit could pick, it’s broccoli? Had I been deceiving myself thinking I might actually have been doing guided writing? I felt pretty disappointed.

I was home alone all that day, but in the evening I attended a speaking engagement given by a visiting healer, someone I had worked with, but with whom I had never socialized. All night I waited to hear the word broccoli, wondering how the speaker could possibly weave that word into her presentation. Of course, there was no mention of broccoli. 

When the talk ended, I was both surprised and delighted to be invited, along with two of the speaker’s friends, to go out to dinner. I had eaten earlier, but was happy to be included, figuring I would join them for a light meal so we could sit and visit. Admittedly, the thought did cross my mind that I would soon be in a restaurant, something I had not planned, a setting where the word broccoli might come up. I became a little excited again.

By the time we arrived at the restaurant, it was quite late, near closing time. We were actually the only diners there. We sat ourselves and a waiter came to our table. He told us that the kitchen was shutting down soon but we were welcome to the salad bar. While handing us menus, he added that we could still order if we decided quickly. I scanned mine, and sure enough, there was a photo of broccoli soup. I thought, “You know, I am not certain this really counts because most restaurants are going to have broccoli of some sort. Does this count or not?” Still dubious, I decided that it might be close, but not close enough to convince me.

Our very gregarious and attentive waiter kept returning to ask questions and chat with us. We ended up moving to a different table to get away from an overhead fan. Once we were re-settled, the waiter reappeared. He said he needed to tell us that they were out of some selections. We really didn’t care since we all had decided on the salad bar, but he insisted on telling us what they were out of. He pointed to two different items on the menu. Then he stepped back, threw his arms out in a very dramatic gesture and announced, “And broccoli. We are ALL out of broccoli,” emphasizing the word all. “We don’t have ANYTHING with broccoli.” I couldn’t help myself. I started to laugh. Everyone was staring at me, asking, “What’s so funny?” I whispered, “I’ll explain when he leaves.” After our waiter returned to the kitchen, I told my new friends about my journaling that morning. Immediately we were all laughing hysterically. They chorused, “Your code word was broccoli?” And I replied, “Yes, but I didn’t pick it, my guide did!” 

As we were leaving, one of my friends mused, “Wow, if we hadn’t invited you out to eat, you would have gone home thinking that your guide wasn’t there.”

I promise you, this is a true story and I didn’t exaggerate. I could not have made this up in a thousand years. The waiter was truly that flamboyant. And they really were ALL out of broccoli. Ever since that day, I have no longer doubted that I have guides. There is no way that this story’s unfolding was purely coincidental. I also learned that one of my guides has a delightful sense of humor.